Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So I havent updated this in a while....after Wacken we were in Erfurt for 2 days and didnt really do anything because we are still recovering from Wacken as we speak ha ha. Erfurt was a small quiet town with friendly people, we also met another Australian who was also heading to Party San. We were pretty sad for these few days because we just wanted to be back at Wacken all over again ha ha.

Party San was full of complications getting there, from getting the wrong train to getting off at the wrong stop and having to walk half the way. Once we were there it was fine, we met some nice German lads who let us camp with them and gave us some beer. Unfortunately one of the Germans in that area was a Nazi, yes a full on Nazi. So he was saying inappropriate things the whole time and he was a dick. We met a few more nice Germans and some lovely Danish men who kept us entertained. The only downfall was excessive rain which led to ridiculous amounts of mud all over the festival!! Our boots were completely caked all weekend long and you could only walk at a snails pace to avoid falling over. All in all the festival is very small though so only one stage which was kind of nice, if you met someone the night before you were sure to see them the next day, not a good thing if you were drunk around them the night before ha ha.

Aura Noir were fantastic to see live as well as Napalm Death surprisingly. All in all we had another great weekend which is good considering the weather could have made it a bad one! Now we are in Dresden which is a lovely city and the area we are in is a lot like Brunswick st with hippies everywhere and people covered in tattoos and weird hairstyles ha ha. We wandered through the Old Town which was very pretty but again spent most of the time recovering before Summerbreeze tomorrow!!

Sue I am going to post a link to my Facebook here so you can check out our photos for yourself.!/WhereTheSlimeLive

Click on this link above or copy and paste it into the web browser and once it takes you to my page click on the tab that says PHOTOS and you will find all the different folders of photos from all the different countries :) xx

1 comment:

  1. thanks holly for that, im so out of date and they changed the computer settings this is the first time i have been on and iam still struggling oh well ill give it a go today
    thanks heaps take care from sue xo
