Sunday, May 9, 2010


So today after another epic sleep we headed back to Harajuku to try and spot some more of the Harajuku girls and boys, there were a few there but we would see more later on our way back. We basically just wandered and ended up in Shibuya which is a rad town. Definitely the party spot, we found a Karoaoke bar we want to visit later and a shop which sold nothing but condoms! We visited this massive record store which had about 10 floors and found Kiddy Land which was a 5 story toy store full of awesome Star Wars toys etc. We found some awesome shoe stores with more Dr Martens that I have ever seen in my entire life and we had to really fight the urge to start browsing. We ended up in Yoyogi park where a massive festival was going down and there were Japanese hippies EVERYWHERE! Didnt even know such a thing existed. A man wasnted to take a picture of Holly`s blue eyes and hair in the middle of the art exhibition. We were hassled by a few drunk Japanese men but finally made our way out and strolled through the lovely park where people were playing voilins and guitar. On our way back out we saw a Lady Ga Ga lookalike and more of the Harajuku boys and girls.....more men dressed as women. Our feet hurt from walking so much because the subway system is so hard to figure out. Back at the hostel now and after a few Asahi`s we`re feeling a little drunk....

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